After a few months of deliberation, weighing the Pros and Cons, the bullet has been bit… And I have moved to PORTLAND, OR! “Wait, what?!?! You left Sunny & Warm Southern California for Rainy & Cold Pacific Northwest?” First off… Yes! Secondly, it’s not always rainy and cold (as you can tell by the photo). But yes, there is “more weather” in Portland than in Los Angeles. LOL! And weather brings beauty.

While I am still “moving in” and starting to adjust to PDX life, I have already begun Model Scouting. ๐Ÿ™‚ Contrary to popular belief, not ALL the “pretty people” live in LA. There are plenty of beautiful men (to shoot) here in Portland. It may be a little while before my roster fills though. Portlanders are VERY conscious of Covid and take the pandemic seriously (as we all still should). And while I have several interested models, the popular response has been, “I would LOVE to shoot with you. Once I get fully vaccinated.” Understandable. But frustrating none-the-less.

That said, I STILL have PLENTY of photos and videos (from shoots with Dante, Hunter, CJ, Asher, etc.) to post. So fear not! The MOZ will continue to be updated on a regular basis, INCLUDING a NEW Nude Boys Read EVERY TUESDAY! I’m very excited for this NEW adventure. And thank you for joining me! ๐Ÿ™‚