Happy One Month Birthday to the notorious MOZ! The Members Only Zone is 1 month old today. They grow up so fast, don’t they? ***WISTFUL SIGH*** Anyhoo… A lot sure has happened over the last 31 days. The MOZ was launched . New members signed up (thank you for that). New photo and video shoots took place. The new upcoming Series “NUDE BOYS READ…” was conceived. The upcoming Horror Series “SWEET MEAT” (more on that in a separate BLOG) gained a Producer. On the downside, I did have to get my feet scraped so I was unable to make my famous Chicken Pepperoni for the Governer and his wife. (Okay, so that last thing didn’t happen)…

Still, I would say it’s been a “banner month”. It’s exciting to realize that this adventure has only just begun. And I’m excited that you, the Members of the notorious MOZ, are taking this journey with me. 🙂